Front Page Stories

Stelly's Returns from Peru

Stein River - Gord Ritchie
Stelly's Returns from Peru
by Gord Ritchie - Saturday, 3 April 2010, 10:15 AM
Peru 2010
Last week the Global Perspectives Program from Stelly's Secondary School returned from their 18 day trip to Peru. The group of 16 students raised $20,000 in their fall Gala Fundraiser, then sent the funds ahead to the community of Agua Dolce high in the Andes Mts. The community then began site preparations for the arrival of the Global Group on march 5. At 12,500 ft. altitude, the students worked with community members to complete the project. "The energy at the worksite was just amazing. We had almost 80 people working together to make this happen" said grade 12 student Jessica Payne.

The Stelly's group also built 43 clean-burning woodstoves for the nearby community of Huallyabamba. This project will have a direct benefit to both the the health of community member, and the environment. "It was so exciting to be working with the families right in their homes....and to know that these stoves will have a huge benefit for these people." said Jen Yee.

The group also brought over 400 coats for the impoverished families in the high Andes Mts, and they managed to bring wheelchairs along for 2 paraglegic teenagers. "This trip was the most amazing thing I have ever done." said Amy Paterson. The program is presently looking to another amazing project for next year. Join us!