Career Life Connections 12

All graduating students must complete the Career Life Connections course, Career Life Connections Capstone Project and 30 Hours of Career Life Explorations.
Once students have completed the CLC course, students will be required to set up meetings with Ms. Lizama to begin their Capstone Project.
Students will have 5 weeks to work on this project and will be meeting with Ms. Lizama once a week for check-ins and progress.
Presentation of the Capstone will take place at a determined date by parties involved.
Course breakdown:

CLC Class = 50%
CLC Capstone = 50%
Career Life Explorations = 30 hours of experience in:
- Volunteerism
- Employment
- Field Projects
- Entrepreneurship
- Service Learning
- Youth Work in Trades/Work Experience 12
- Project of Deep Interest
Please see Ms. Lizama in Room 49, Ms. Cunningham in Room 48 or Ms. Heidi Hackman in the Career Centre for Career Life Explorations information.
For any further questions, please see Ms. Lizama
- Volunteerism
- Employment
- Field Projects
- Entrepreneurship
- Service Learning
- Youth Work in Trades/Work Experience 12
- Project of Deep Interest