Business Plan - Draft Presentation

Business Plan - Draft Presentation

In this assignment you and/or a partner will be required to create an introductory proposal on a business you would like to start up. You will prepare a package/slideshow to present to potential investors.

To complete this assignment will need to create an attractive and informative brochure/slideshow of your idea. In that brochure/slideshow, you will need to answer the following questions.

  1. What product or service will you provide?
  2. Why are you thinking of starting this company?
  3. How do you intend to produce or gain access to this product or service?
  4. Where would you locate your company?
  5. When would you expect to open?
  6. Who are your potential customers?
Write a general description of your proposed business and how it would work.
Please prepare a hard copy or a digital copy. The digital file will be submitted through the website or the hard copy will be turned in to Mr. Bishop.