Parents Dry Grad Meeting
Thursday, February 4th @ 8:30pm
We really hope to see you there! We need more parents to join and contribute to the fundraising and planning in order to make the night a success. We have a handful of parents right now helping out, volunteering at the bottle drive monthly (since last summer!), coordinating some fundraisers that have taken place, contacting the venue and entertainments for the night together information and put down deposits for June 30th, idea planning for Scenarios A, B & C. If we don't have more help with fundraising etc, we might not meet our goals for a successful event.
A few things we need help with is to gather auction/raffle items from local businesses, and get the Silent Auction/Raffle Online Fundraiser off the ground and running. It's one of the biggest fundraisers along with the bottle drive that we have some parents running year round. Come join the meeting to find out more and see where you can volunteer your time for your Grad!
Here's the meeting details - now with TEAMS instead of the previous Skype platform we were using.
TEAMS MEETING: Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 778-401-6289,,82271070# Canada, Victoria
Phone Conference ID: 822 710 70#