General Announcements

Central Saanich Little League Registration NOW OPEN !

Picture of Bettina Perron
Central Saanich Little League Registration NOW OPEN !
by Bettina Perron - Wednesday, 12 January 2022, 2:42 PM

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Registration for

Central Saanich Little League

2022 registration can be done online or in-person!

NEW!! Online registration OPEN NOW – CLICK HERE

In-person registration is 6pm-8pm on January 27 & Feb 3 plus 1pm-4pm Jan 29, 30 & Feb 5, 6, 19, 20 at the CSLL Clubhouse – Centennial Park

We will be operating under strict COVID rules including one entry, one exit, social distancing, masks provided, sanitizer available and multiple registration tables (cleaned between guests). 

Please register early. Late registration will incur an additional $25 late fee. Assessments and team building is to be completed before mid March.

You will need to bring 3 payments to pay for 1-registration fee, 2-uniform deposit, 3-volunteer exemption or deposit. We also accept cash and/or debit.

Questions??? Contact 

If you are registering a new player to CSLL please provide Birth Certificate & Proof of residency – by bringing some identification so we know your player lives or goes to school within our catchment area. Please bring 3 documents including one from each of the groups below.

Group I                                                                                                                                        

  1. Driver’s License
  2. School records
  3. Vehicle records (i.e. registration, lease etc.)
  4. Employment records
  5. Insurance documents

 Group II

  1. Welfare/child care records
  2. Federal records (i.e., Federal Tax, Social Insurance, etc.)
  3. Provincial records
  4. Local (municipal) records
  5. Support payment records
  6. Homeowner or tenant records
  7. Military records

 Group III

  1. Voter’s Registration
  2. Utility bills (i.e., gas, electric, water/sewer, phone, mobile phone, heating, waste disposal)
  3. Financial (loan, credit, investments, etc.) records
  4. Medical records
  5. Internet, cable, or satellite records

 NOTE: Example – Three documents from the same Group (utility bill, cable bill, and bank statement) constitute only ONE document.

**See posters below for more information!