Front Page Stories

Stelly's Stingers 10K Team

Picture of Scheryl DiBattista
Stelly's Stingers 10K Team
by Scheryl DiBattista - Tuesday, 30 April 2013, 2:17 PM

Congratulations to our Stelly's 10K Team

Harrison Fox, Thea Warren, Annina Lorenzo, Colin Montgomery, Abby Speirs, Janine Longy (Tracey's mom), Tasha Liberatore, Shelley Fischbach,Tracey Murphy,
Naomi Fitzgerald, Arden Lowe, Kramer Lowe, Belmiro Cunha Arcoverde Cavalcanti.

It was a beautiful day and it was wonderful coming into the last km or so and seeing the Stelly's
volunteers on the side of the road.

TK Group