Interested in travelling to Quebec City, Montreal and Ottawa over Spring Break 2016?
Mme. Hasset has planned a trip for students wishing to get to know their country and its history during the first week of Spring Break 2016. You will visit the Plains of Abraham, Old Montreal and the House of Parliament, just to name a few of the attractions we will visit. French students will have the opportunity to see and hear our second language in action.
The full itinerary can be found at : Enter tour ID # 1751805PJ
The cost is $2384 which includes all transportation (flight, tour bus), accommodation (hotel), activities and entrance fees, breakfasts and dinners. Students have a small amount free time during the day during which they buy their own lunches/ snacks.
If you think you might be interested, students and parents, please attend the information session on Monday September 28th at 7pm in the Learning Commons. There will be goodies to share as we talk about the trip and plan our departure. The deadline to enrol is October 6 2015. Allez, venez avec nous!