General Announcements

Parent Teacher Interviews - Thursday, November 26th

Picture of Bettina Perron
Parent Teacher Interviews - Thursday, November 26th
by Bettina Perron - Tuesday, 17 November 2015, 12:16 PM
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday, November 26th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm in the Large Gym.
Starting on Friday, November 20th after school a Parent/Teacher Interview sign up sheet will be posted just outside the main office for parents and/or students to book interviews with teachers.  This schedule will remain posted until end of the school day (2:05pm) on Thursday, November 26th.
The reason for moving away from the electronic sign-up, is based on poor attendance at the last three parent/teacher interviews.  By posting the "hard copy" schedules, we are hopeful to encourage students to sign up their parents for interviews.