Transportation to and from Athletic Events

In most cases, players will be transported to activities by: Student, Parent or Teacher Drivers using private vehicles. In some cases, players may be transported to activities using School District Buses or Rental vehicles. In some unique cases however, students will be responsible for the organization of their own rides as the activities occur before school or later in the evening (eg. Swimming, Rowing, Cycling, Senior Basketball, Senior Volleyball, and Track and Field).

School District Policy requires that all vehicles transporting students must adhere to these guidelines:

  • Drivers must have a valid Provincial Driving License.
  • All vehicles are in good working order.
  • There are good working seatbelts anchored for every passenger in the vehicle.
  • Vehicles have adequate insurance coverage (a Minimum of $2 000 000 third party liability)
  • Drivers of vehicles have completed forms (student drivers must successfully complete an ICBC Drivers Abstract and submit to the office before they can drive).


  • It should be noted that private vehicles and rental vehicles may not meet the same safety requirements and standards that school district buses must adhere to.
  • Student athletes cannot drive to events beyond the CRD. (i.e. beyond the Malahat or on BC Ferries.

School Policy requires that coaches with teams leaving directly from the school must document transportation details and leave a copy in the main office (Field Trip Clipboard). This is a safety protocol.

Last modified: Monday, 27 June 2016, 3:39 PM